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The rise of health care consumerism

Health care consumerism was on the rise well before COVID-19, but the pandemic has opened up a wave of new technologies and channels for consumers to seek services. At the same time, consumer attitudes about the health care industry and interactions with providers have also evolved.

Being consumer-driven means understanding everything from the psychology behind pre- and post-purchase behaviors to how best to engage and motivate patients in a value-based health care world.


Learning objectives:

  • Understand the impact of health care consumer beliefs on growth and patient acquisition. Also learn how patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes are affected.
  • Learn how new consumer data and analytics can help you better understand, engage and retain patients.
  • Identify critical “inflection points” along the health care consumer journey that can delight patients — or drive them to seek care elsewhere.
  • Learn innovative patient engagement strategies that begin long before an appointment is scheduled and extend far beyond the patient encounter.
Sign up today for six consumer beliefs driving growth and retention webinar.
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Jason Brown
CEO, BPD Advertising


Danny Fell
Senior Strategist, Optum


Steve Corso
VP Strategy and Business Development, Optum


Leslie Schatz
VP Product, Optum