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Karl Gregor, PharmD

Practice Lead, Pharmacy Actuarial Services

Karl Gregor has 25 years of experience working in and with the pharmaceutical industry. 


Karl leads the Pharmacy Advisory Services practice within Optum Advisory Services. His role is to facilitate the development of client actuarial insights and assure appropriate translation and application for meaningful solutions.

Prior to joining Optum Advisory Services, Karl was a leader in the Optum Access & Value Solutions group. This team focused on European and North American reimbursement assessments and solutions for a wide variety of pharmaceutical, device and diagnostic products. 

Karl held U.S., European and global HEOR leadership and research roles at Eli Lilly and company for more than 15 years, prior to joining Optum.

Karl holds a Bachelor of Science in animal health sciences. He also earned a doctorate of pharmacy, a Master of Science in pharmaceutical economics, policy and outcomes, and an Eli Lily and Company Health Economics Research Fellowship from University of Arizona.  

Published Work

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