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Substance Use Disorders

We offer resources and support to help individuals achieve stabilization, build resiliency and sustain recovery.

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Guiding members to evidence‑based care

Every year, millions of Americans struggle with addiction. Optum Behavioral Health helps individuals with substance use disorders access evidence-based care to achieve stabilization and enter a sustainable recovery path.

Our approach combines a compassionate team of care advocates and peer support specialists, innovative analytics, and programs that build relationships with members, providers, and their communities.

See how an Optum Behavioral Health Advocate was able to help Randy get the care he needed to recover from his opioid use disorder.

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Guiding members to evidence-based care

I am from Milwaukee Wisconsin. I do have a bad back primarily resulting as working as a printer for about 25 years. So I’m living with a lot of chronic pain. And I was prescribed a lot of opiates and they created nothing but destruction in my life. It got to the point where I felt life was not worth living. I had a lot of suicidal thoughts.

I’m Jennifer Thede. I’m a Behavioral Health Advocate with Optum. I met Randy about a year ago when he was in the hospital. He had a history of depression, anxiety and he had issues because pain medication continued to be prescribed to him.

My role was to outreach to Randy and discuss with him what treatment could work better.

My case worker Jennifer got me involved in the suboxone program of which I’m still on. It’s literally been a life saver for me. Jennifer she really cared and it’s gave me a motivation to continue on the right path. So I started attending yoga classes and then I was going to acupuncture.

I have definitely seen a change in Randy. I do feel that my role is really to give members everything they need and in doing so that does lead to the healthier life.

Now I feel tremendously better. There’s still a lot of reconstruction being done in my life. But I’ve come a long way. I feel a lot better.




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Apply analytics for early intervention

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Connect members to evidence-based care

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Promote recovery with ongoing support




Case study

Expanding access to treatment

Learn about the efficacy of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorders.

View the study


Member journey

Opioid use disorder member journey

Discover one fictional individual's journey through addiction, treatment and recovery. 

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Contact us to learn more about how Optum can help support individuals with substance use disorders.

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