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COVID-19 Vaccine Support

Discover what employers need to know about COVID-19 vaccines.

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COVID-19 vaccines will play an important role in our ability to achieve herd immunity. As vaccines become available to the broader population, the role of COVID-19 vaccines in workplace return strategies is something many employers are considering.

Optum has supported a number of state and local governments with COVID-19 vaccine administration. We've compiled an aggregate of resources to use with your teams as you discuss the need for COVID-19 vaccines in your organization.

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  • COVID-19 and vaccines

    Ready to re-engage safely

    COVID-19 vaccines are now available and are an important key to slowing the spread of the disease so we can re-engage with our communities and move forward together.

    • COVID-19 vaccines do not cause a person to become sick with COVID-19 because they do not contain the live virus.1
    • COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way.2

    Vaccine availability and distribution

    COVID-19 vaccinations are occurring in phases that are determined by state governments under guidance from the CDC. As vaccine availability improves, vaccination recommendations will expand to include additional groups that are part of later phases. Availability and eligibility may vary locally.

    What’s next?

    As we move forward to re-engaging with our communities, we need to continue supporting the well-being of our workforce and their families.

    1. Learn about the COVID-19 vaccines and make plans for your organization.
    2. Continue to implement recommended actions from the CDC on COVID-19 protection for your workforce, including wearing a mask in public and practicing social distancing even after receiving a vaccination.
    3. Understand that COVID-19 testing is still an important tool.3
    4. Look ahead and consider how to provide support for your workforce to manage stress, anxiety and important care routines that have been missed.
      Prepare your organization for an agile and resilient workforce.

    Request a consultation


    1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Myths and facts about COVID-19 vaccines. cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/facts.html Updated February 3, 2021. Accessed February 24, 2021. 
    2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Understanding mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html. Updated December 18, 2020. Accessed February 24, 2021.
    3. In a survey conducted by the Harris Poll, 82% of surveyed Americans say the COVID-19 vaccine rollout will be more effective if it works in partnership with testing.
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[Text on Screen: Optum]


Voiceover: Life’s path took a sudden turn for everyone when the pandemic struck. And when it struck, it struck us hard. But through the experience, we found ways to change. How we work, how we learn, how we celebrate, how we spend time with family. Even how we seek care.


Although the pandemic is still very much here, we continue to change with it. To improve, to heal, and the time has arrived for us to take the next step.


Thanks to a global effort by biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, the COVID-19 vaccine is here.


[Text on Screen: COVID-19 vaccine]


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized for emergency use more than one COVID vaccine, and vaccination is underway.


[Text on Screen: FDA, Approved for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)]


The vaccines were developed to protect people from COVID-19 and to help stop the spread of this dangerous virus. But is the vaccine safe?


[Text on Screen: Are the vaccines safe?]


The answer is yes. The U.S. Vaccine Safety System validated the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines.


[Text on Screen: The U.S. vaccine safety system validated the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines]

You cannot get the COVID-19 virus from the vaccine. This is because the vaccines do not contain the live virus itself. They are designed to teach the body to make antibodies that find and fight the COVID-19 virus.


Even if you’ve already had COVID-19, regardless of how mild or severe, experts know that immunity subsides after infection, so they strongly recommend getting the vaccine.


[Text on Screen: Experts strongly recommend getting the vaccine]


Vaccine distribution strategy is based on the CDC recommendations and varies by state.


[Text on Screen: Vaccine distribution based on CDC recommendations, Varies by state]


Now is the time. Getting the vaccine not only lowers your chances of getting COVID-19, it also protects your family and the community. It also helps protect our healthcare system and those working within it, so they can provide the care we need, when we need it.


[Text on Screen: Follow best practices]


In addition to continuing to follow best practices, masking, hand washing, keeping surfaces clean, and physical distancing, getting the COVID-19 vaccine can help stop the spread of the virus.


[Text on Screen: Wearing a mask, Washing hands often, Keeping surfaces clean, Physically distancing]


[Text on Screen: Optum]


COVID-19 vaccines

Optum is proud to have partnered with states and municipalities on the administration of COVID-19 vaccines. Watch this informative video to learn more about COVID-19 vaccines, their safety and role in stopping the spread of this deadly virus.


COVID-19 vaccine information


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  • General COVID-19 vaccine information from the CDC

    Check out COVID-19 vaccination-related resources from the CDC.

  • Find out details about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine from the FDA.

    Learn more

  • Find out details about the Moderna mRNA vaccine from the FDA.

    Learn more

  • Find out details about the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine from the FDA.

    Learn more

  • Review common COVID-19 vaccine FAQs.

    Learn more

  • Learn about the challenges of producing a vaccine for COVID-19.

    Learn more

  • Take a deeper look into key COVID-19 treatments and vaccine development.

    Learn more


Related resources


COVID-19 vaccines 

See how we're partnering with employers to help operationalize their COVID-19 vaccination programs.

Download infographic


COVID-19 vaccination fact sheet 

Learn about the efficacy of and difference in the various COVID-19 vaccinations currently available in the US.

Download fact sheet 

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